Friday 31 May 2013

Saturday 1.06.2013

Т.к Аллу Евстафьевну не устраивает, что наши рендеринги находятся в интернете, а она хочет лицезреть их лично, мы :
1) present ALL our renderings( 2 on english and 2 on RUSSIAN)
2) as always everybody who have doubts, they must answer it..

Don't forget..tomorrow is SUMMER!

Saturday 25 May 2013

Monday 26.05.2013

Today we have the class of homework
1) We continue to discuss " The Treasure". prepare your interpritation to present for public
2) Read the text Simple Arithmetic by V. Moriconi. If we would have time, we will start to discuss it

Saturday 18 May 2013

Monday 20.05.2013

prepare and learn the topics Outstanding Composers and Performers and Music Festivals and Awards

Saturday 18.05.2013

1) prepare and learn the topics The Role of Music in Our Lives and Music genres

Friday homereading

 W.S. Maugham The Treasure-interpritation, questions, essay

Thursday 9 May 2013

c 9 мая!

Вот Девятое мая настало,
И поздравить мы всех поспешим
С тем, что гнета фашистов не стало,
И народ наш непобедим.
Мы желаем всем думать о мире,
Но и помнить всегда о войне.
Улыбайтесь сегодня пошире —
День Победы на нашей земле!

Wednesday 8 May 2013


Unfortunately I don't remember when we have the next lesson, but our homework are:
1)" Interesting thing" by Kingsley Amis-questions, essay, interpritattion
2) we began the theme MUSIC-so you need to prepare vocabularly and vocabularly story

Wednesday 1 May 2013